
Join a guild to be eligible for rewards.

Here's what gets you the most points, in order.

  1. Place a PreOrder

    • The 1st person gets the largest bonus

    • The first 10 each get an additional bonus

    • the remainder are static

    • points are based on amount values

  2. Buy/Sell tokens

    • Again, being early gets you bonus points

    • points are based on amount values

    • there is a cap to prevent wash trading

  3. Creating Tokens

    • small static value, with a bonus if you reach a certain number of upvotes


    • small static value, with a cap per thread. A bonus is given to helpful comments.

PreOrder Formula

Ptotal=βˆ‘i=1n(Ai106β‹…1{USDC}+Ai1018β‹…AVAXΒ priceβ‹…1{non-USDC}+(10βˆ’posi)β‹…1{posi<10})P_{\text{total}} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left( \frac{A_i}{10^6} \cdot \mathbf{1}_{\{\text{USDC}\}} + \frac{A_i}{10^{18}} \cdot \text{AVAX price} \cdot \mathbf{1}_{\{\text{non-USDC}\}} + (10 - \text{pos}_i) \cdot \mathbf{1}_{\{\text{pos}_i < 10\}} \right)
  • nn: Total number of valid preorders by the user.

  • AiAi: Amount of preorder ii.

  • 1condition1{condition}: Indicator function that is 1 if the condition is true, and 0 otherwise.

  • AVAXpriceAVAX price: Current price of AVAX in USD.

  • posiposi: Position of preorder ii in the overall list of preorders, sorted by creation date.

Swap Formula

P=βˆ‘i=1n(1Ξ”Ti+1Γ—Fi1018)Γ—(1βˆ’isWashTrade(SDi,Tswap))Β  P = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left( \frac{1}{\Delta T_i + 1} \times \frac{F_i}{10^{18}} \right) \times \left( 1 - \text{isWashTrade}(S_{D_i}, T_{\text{swap}}) \right) \
  • nn: Total number of valid swaps by the user.

  • Ξ”Ti​ΔT i ​ : Absolute difference in days between the swap date SDiSDi and the tokenize date TDiTDi.

  • FiF i: Fee amount for swap ii in 18 decimal places.

  • SDiS D i: Swap date for swap ii.

  • Tswap​T swap ​ : List of previous swap times for the same token.

  • isWashTrade(SDi​​,Tswap​)isWashTrade(S D i ​ ​ ,T swap ​ ): Function returning 1 if the swap is considered cheating, and 0 otherwise.

Thread Formula

Ptotal=βˆ‘i=1n(2+2β‹…1{upvotesi>3}+2β‹…1{commentsi>3}+2β‹…1{presalesi>3})P_{\text{total}} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left( 2 + 2 \cdot \mathbf{1}_{\{\text{upvotes}_i > 3\}} + 2 \cdot \mathbf{1}_{\{\text{comments}_i > 3\}} + 2 \cdot \mathbf{1}_{\{\text{presales}_i > 3\}} \right)
  • nn: Total number of threads submitted by the user.

  • 1condition​1 {condition} ​ : Indicator function that is 1 if the condition is true, and 0 otherwise.

  • upvotesiupvotes i: Number of upvotes for thread ii.

  • commentsi​comments i ​ : Number of comments for thread ii.

  • presalesipresales i : Number of presales for thread ii.

Comment Formula

Ptotal=βˆ‘i=1n(1+1β‹…1{upvotesi>3})β‹…1{count(C,threadi)≀1}P_{\text{total}} = \sum_{i=1}^{n} \left( 1 + 1 \cdot \mathbf{1}_{\{\text{upvotes}_i > 3\}} \right) \cdot \mathbf{1}_{\{\text{count}(C, \text{thread}_i) \leq 1\}}
  • nn: Total number of valid comments by the user.

  • 1condition1{condition}: Indicator function that is 1 if the condition is true, and 0 otherwise.

  • upvotesiupvotesi: Number of upvotes for comment ii.

  • count(C)count(C): Count of comments by the user in each thread, capped at 2.

Last updated