
PreOrder tech gud

This is how a typical token launch will go.

  • Team creates token

    • allocates some for themselves

  • Gets marketers to shill their token and build a community

  • A launch date is announced

  • Bots start listening for the 'addLiquidity()' event for the new token

  • As soon as there is liquidity, bots get the first buys in

  • humans buy in, sometimes several blocks after the bots

  • bots immediately dump on humans and extract the value

  • if there is enough price action, the team dumps on the community with their allocation


  • influencer puts out a contract address on twitter

  • people send AVAX to the contract

  • sometimes they get some tokens, sometimes they get rugged

but there is never transparency ahead of time, and it's never fair.

Fair solutions on Moonshot

There are 3 different ways to launch a token on Moonshot. Random Selection, FCFS, or instant launch.

Random Selection

The pre orders are shuffled and executed in the new random order. If you are the last person to preorder, you still have a chance of getting the first buy (best price quote).

First Come First Served

No shuffling and the earlier you are, the better price quote you will receive.

Instant Launch

Skip the scheduling entirely and as soon as you create your token it is available for anyone and everyone to start swapping.

When viewing the pre orders tab on a token, it will display which type of launch the dev chose. Regardless of the launch type, being one of the first to place a preorder will earn you the most points.

Last updated